
A Retro Gaming Buffet That Warms The Soul

Sitting on the couch with my daughter curled up in my lap one evening last week, a commercial came on TV. Understand, we are Tivo happy at my house and commercials are a rare thing unless I'm watching a ball game. This commercial comes on the TV, and it's a series of small clips from my gaming past. You know...Galaga, Virtua Fighter, Joust, etc. Playing in the background this whole time is the Bee Gees' Stayin' Alive (don't EVEN snicker, you know you secretly sing along to the Bee Gees too!). Fellow fans of retro gaming, I give you


I don't know who the people are that thought this up, but I wish it had been me. You will be hard pressed to find a more complete collection of gaming history anywhere else. I believe the current collection is over 300 games, including the original Pong! They have games from pretty much every system that preceeded the first Playstation, along with arcade, DOS, and Windows games. It's all put together with a very smooth interface that's easy to navigate. Total retro gaming bliss I tell you!

So anyway, back to my story. I'm sitting there with my daughter and the commercial ends by telling us it's Gametap and she looks up at me and says "Daddy, we have to get that!". Agreed, princess. Agreed.

There are literally so many games on there that you could spend an entire day, never play the same game twice, and you'd probably skip lunch and dinner and just chow that bag of Wavy Lays before going straight to bed...at 3 AM. It all runs very smoothly, most of the games load quickly, and if they don't the interface gives you the opportunity to load in the background while you play something else.

You get at two week free trial and then it's $15 a month. You get 7 total accounts and can install on multiple computers. If you ever played an arcade or early console game that you loved, you should check it out. I don't think you'll be disappointed.

Merry Christmas to me!!!


  1. Anonymous9:19 AM

    Sweet G. Thanks for the link, I only hope they have "Oregon Trail" ;)

  2. Anonymous3:06 PM

    You know you've just cost me more money right? I think the only saving grace and what might cause me to delay this purchase is that I don't have a controller for my PC and playing video games with a keyboard just doesn't cut it heh. Though as a bonus it's only $9.95 a month for the first 12 months.
