
Perception Is 9/10 Of The Law

Have you ever been to magic show or seen one on TV? When the magician makes the pretty girl disappear or cuts her in half or any of a number of other illusions it seems real, doesn't it? I mean, you have the knowledge that it's an illusion so you know that it didn't really happen like you saw it and that's what makes it so much fun...the art of trying to figure out how you were deceived, right?

How often have you been told something that ended up really not being the truth at all? I'm betting that 99% of the time, the person who gave you the bad information believed it as truth. And the person that told them believed it as truth. What happens is sometimes we don't listen very closely when we're told something or we don't remember it quite right. We then relay what we think is accurate information to the next person, and on and on it goes. That is how things get warped so far out of shape that noone knows what the original story really was anymore. Pastor Craig at Lifechurch has a saying that I really love. "A lie believed as truth will affect you as though it were true", he says. It's a profound and powerful, well, truth! I have taken that and come up with my own little saying...Perception is nine tenths of the law. In other words, what you perceive to be true will have the exact impact of a solid truth on your life whether it is true or not.

Of course, it never will realistically happen that we never get a story wrong...so this problem will never go away. How on earth to deal with it then?

Don't Believe Everything You Hear
Often with a little bit of thought and common sense, you can get to the real truth. Sometimes it means going back to the source of a conversation for clarification. Sometimes it means doing a little independant research of your own to make the determination. The point is, even when it comes from a trustworthy source, it is important to remember how easily things get twisted around and to always try and make sure it's right before you act on it or store it away as truth and pass it along.

Fall Back On Your Faith
If you happen to be a person without any faith, this is a real problem. I would humbly and firmly suggest that you give it an honest try. For the rest of us, use your faith!!! Most of you reading this are going to be Christians, but even if you aren't, your faith in a higher power by whatever name you give it will work. Use the truth that is found there to determine how likely the things you see and hear each day are actual truths. My faith in God allows me the freedom to examine everything and see if it falls in line with that faith. Constant examination of your world will leave far less room for the lies to sneak through.

Temper Your Words
This one probably has the most potential to do the most good. By being careful about what you let come out of your mouth (or hands), you can at least be sure that anything that comes to you in a twisted fashion doesn't move any further down the line. So before you give advice, tell a story, or otherwise pass things along to others, take a minute and make sure that your information is correct that your motives for what you are doing are pure.

Remember, the world will do it's damnedest to pull the wool over your eyes...and it will come from the people you know and trust more often than not, the people in your innermost circle. They don't even realize they are doing it. Don't believe everything you hear, fall back on your faith, and temper your words, and you will find that the perception you carry of your world will change in significant ways.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous4:10 PM

    "A lie believed as truth will affect you as though it were true"

    good words of wisdom.
