
State of the GSZR

Yeah, I know...I KNOW. It's been about three full weeks since my last post. I apologize, really I do! I have good reasons if you will let me just explain, k?

Things have been sort of hectic and very much up in the air at the Wild house lately. I finally have my wife mostly recovered from her surgery and back at work so things are actually almost back to routine there. Beyond that, stability is a precious commodity. Check it out:

  • Work. I'm in the middle of a very large project that when finally completed will have spanned more than a calendar year. Where I am right now I am trying to finish up some tasks with a pretty hard deadline, having to work on testing all of my stuff for a new back-end system release, preparing for some required hardware and software upgrades that include a radical reconfiguration of our environment, and I'm getting hammered by our business units for some minor fixes here and there that must be scheduled around everything else. Nothing I can't handle, just makes me very busy and eats into what had become my normal blog posting time on my morning breaks.
  • My son's grades. I will write much more about this soon (maybe tomorrow) but for now, just understand that his grades suck, we aren't real sure how much support we're getting from his teachers to get him help, and we are seriously considering home schooling him indefinitely after this year.
  • Church. While I'm extremely excited about what God is doing in my and my family's lives right now, it's still a little stressful. I have taken on a role in which I get to help lead some small group bible study leaders. It's not too terribly time consuming and I enjoy it, but when you add that to the fact that our church is starting a new campus soon and that Suzanne and I feel called to go and help out in getting it started, well, it requires some definite time to give thought to it.
  • Finances. We have been fighting hard to get ourselves debt free. It takes time, effort, and discipline...all things I've been known to lack! Well, I'm happy to report we've just managed to knock a serious friggin' hole in it...our bills are about to go from 12 to 3. We will be able to accelerate everything, including paying off our house about 3 years ahead of schedule.

So, you see...there are good reasons why I just haven't found the energy to post more regularly. It wouldn't be fair to you, my readers, for me to be spitting out a bunch of crap just for the sake of posting. I wouldn't feel good about not posting something entertaining or thought provoking, so I just haven't posted at all. All of the things I mentioned will be settling down to some degree now, so I anticipate being much more regular with my posts. I would expect to find something to talk about at least a couple of times per week. Thank you for being patient and for replying when you've read something worthwhile and be sure to keep checking back regularly!

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